Deborah Long
4 min readJun 6, 2019


Playing For The Breaks is a term used in counterinsurgency strategy to leverage critical errors made by an insurgency’s leaders.

The Republican Party is doing nothing less than appeasing a political insurgency that threatens the authority of our constitutional democracy — of the Constitution itself. Whether the GOP’s motives reflect Steve Bannon’s anarchist ideology of the “deconstruction of the administrative state” — or are simply a strategic decision by Republican legislators to hunker down, and through sheer obstructionism, protect their jobs — this party has moved well beyond the boundaries of our nation’s laws. Their appeasement of Donald Trump’s obstruction of justice makes them collaborators in his crimes. They have taken sides in an insurgency by abrogating the oversight responsibilities of the Legislature and bestowing their power onto the Executive Branch — to Donald Trump and his den of thieves.

The Mueller Investigation has resulted in indictments of 34 individuals associated with Donald Trump’s administration — seven of whom have been convicted so far — including some senior members of the Trump campaign. And many of his top administration officials, including cabinet members, are currently being investigated for other serious crimes.

This is a criminal administration that is led by an illegitimate president who seized power with the assistance of a…

Deborah Long

Deborah Long is a Principal at Development Management Group, Inc. and founder of several non-profit charitable organizations.